Philip Smith – Founder of Elite Kleen

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself, I am Philip Smith, founder of Elite Kleen. 

My background for the past 45 years has been engineering. For a number of years I had become disillusioned, I was bored and no longer looked forward to going to work. I needed a change and a challenge.

So I am often asked…Why Elite Kleen?

ELITE Kleen came to fruition, purely because I had our sofa cleaned…

Elite Kleen

I suppose you are thinking, this is a strange and unusual reason  to start an upholstery and carpet cleaning business.

Well you may be right, unless you actually know me.

I made contact with a recommended, local upholstery cleaning company.

Without looking at the sofa’s, not knowing the material or condition, I was quoted £50.00

The cleaning company arrived 1/2 hour later than agreed, this would have been fine, if they had phoned or messaged ahead, so not the best of starts but we accepted it. The lady technician proceeded to bring in her cleaning equipment, within the hour, she was finished, she explained that there were a number of small stains she was unable to remove, for fear of wearing away the material.

After she had left, we noticed that there were wet stains on our carpet from her machine,  my thoughts were “not very professional”.  She could have put a towel down or even left her machine outside and used longer hoses.

The sofas were quite wet, we were told they would take approximately 2 hrs to be dry.

In actual fact it was several hours before they were dry, still slightly damp the following day and did not look any different from before the clean.

So £50:00 for 1 hour’s work, and all we seemed to have achieved is a wet sofa.

This got me thinking, surely this cannot be right, there must be a better way. So, I started to carry out research, I went on some training courses, purchased the best equipment on the market and ELITE KLEEN was born.

ELITE Kleen will not quote a price until we have carried out a survey, assessing material / fibre type and condition.

By doing this, you the customer receive a realistic view of expected results and a true cost of the clean, this in most cases results in it ending up cheaper for you, as opposed to just plucking a figure out of thin air.

Every sofa or carpet clean is different from the last and it is because of this I believe my approach yields the best results.

So, if you are thinking of having your furnishings cleaned, get in touch.

Contact Phil 07341554750 – visit our website

Or through Facebook ‘Elite Kleen Mcr

ELITE Kleen leaves your home “Refreshed, Fragranced, Pristine”